The story behind the Fast Forward System©️
The Fast Forward System©️ began as a way to help friends who, during a casual conversation one evening in early 2023, shared frustrations about feeling underutilized in their current roles. I realized that these friends, like many others I’d talked with over the years, had far more skills and potential than they were actively using. Over countless conversations, I’d offered advice and perspective, but it had always been informal, spontaneous, and limited to one-on-one dialogues whenever we happened to meet.
In late January 2023, I decided it was time to turn this casual guidance into something structured and lasting. I wanted to create a system that could reach more people—one that wouldn’t rely on chance conversations but could stand alone, helping anyone ready to explore their strengths. Drawing on over 20 years of experience across various careers and the observations, insights, and personal transformations I’ve gathered along the way, I crafted the Fast Forward System©️ to be practical, authentic, and impactful.
This system is based on real tools and methods that transform your perspective and reveal abilities you may not even know you have. It’s been a tool of clarity and change for me, and I believe it can be for you as well. I invite you to give it a try, and if you prefer guidance along the way, I’m here to work with you one-on-one.
Thank you, and I look forward to helping you move forward!